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Free Resources

Here are some exercises that you can use to explore how you personally sense energy.

Audio Recordings (MP3)

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Exercise 1-1, Sensing Energy with Your Hands

This is a simple exercise to sense energy flowing between your hands.


Exercise 1-2, Sensing a Partners Hands

Use this exercise to practice sensing energy flowing between your hands and those of a partner.


Exercise 1-3, Sensing Your Energy Field

This exercise will help you to sense the energy field around your body.


Exercise 1-4, Changing the Boundary of Your Energy Field

In this exercise, you will explore how to change the boundary of your energy field to adjust your personal space.


Exercise 1-5, Sensing Other People’s Boundaries

This exercise will help you to sense the boundaries of another person’s energy field.


Exercise 1-6, Sensing the Energy of Places and Objects

In this exercise, you will explore how to sense the energy of different places and objects.